When I was 12 years old I was diagnosed with juvenille diabetes.
When I was 23 I became legally blind.
At 30 I contracted memangitis.
I lost both my parents by the time I was 35.
At 40 I received a kidney a& pancreeas double organ transplant.
At 43 my husband 'suggested' that we separate ... to see how things go.
When I became diabetic I felt different BUT when I became legally blind I felt incapable and like damaged goods. And I lived my life according to that terrible and false belief. So I just existed. Taking what was given and telling myself that that was enough.
I didn't believe in myself enough to take the bold actions to move forward, change tthose beliefs and create a life that I could b rpoud of .
A life lived by my rules for myself and on my terms.
When my husband and I separated I was left with a choice ...
I could either, once again take what was given to me or I could take control of my life .
I CHOSE to take control!
I went deep ... and I confronted all of it! The good, the bad, the ugly, and the really ugly! And my entire life changed ... all of it.
So, I know how it feels to be scared, unfulfilled, lacking in self worth and belief in myself. And to not understand just how deserving I am to create and have the life I want.
Today, that is just a memory. A memory because I CHOSE to leave that version of me in the past ... and so can you!